Spotkanie (15.05) - mgr. Ngan Le

W najbliższą środę (15.05.) będziemy gościć doktorantkę Ngan Le, która wygłosi referat pt. " VUV-Absorption cross section at high temperature and warm exoplanet atmosphere modeling" (wykład w języku angielskim). Serdecznie zapraszamy na godz. 19:00 do sali 30 WFAiIS.


The discovery of extrasolar planets has been developed strongly during the past two decades. Spectroscopy observations during transit can allow us to detect the presence of molecules in the exoplanetary atmospheres. Chemical kinetics models have been used to interpret the observational data. However, the absorption cross-sections of many molecules used in the model are mainly at the room temperature while the exoplanets atmosphere is often very hot. In this talk, I will present a study concerning the evolution of VUV acetylene (C2H2) absorption cross-sections with temperature. The absorption cross-sections of C2H2 at 300, 500, and 600 K were fitted with Gaussian functions and then used to run the chemical kinetics model. Replacing the absorption cross-section of C2H2 at 300 K by the ones at higher temperature affects the molecular abundances in exoplanetary atmospheres.

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Spotkania KNSA:

  • Kiedy? Wtorki 19:30
  • Gdzie? Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej, sala 23